Who we are
The Association Hicter is a non-profit organization established in 1980. It is subsidized by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Its goals are :
- the promotion and the public awareness of cultural democracy in Belgium, Europe and at the international level, by networking, analysis spreading and innovative actions ;
- the empowerment of citizens thanks to an offer of cultural training programs and tools stressing interdiciplinary approach and co-operation at the European level.
Training professionals to cultural management is, since the Fondation was established, one of its specialities. Its various training programs enable operators to build bridges between the evolution of cultural practices and new needs concerning working methods and skills to develop.
The Association Hicter also promotes culture among decision-makers and fosters cultural co-operation enabling partners to undertake common projects taking into account all specificities. As a provider of life-long learning services, the Association Hicter plays the interface between field operators and cultural decision-makers. It informs and monitors cultural managers. The Association sometimes advises public cultural authorities. It plays a role in analysing actual and future policies and actions through action-research programs produced in partnership with European cultural organizations.
The Association’s fundings come mainly from three sources : the Belgian French speaking Community, the European Union and incomes generated by services it provides.
Par sa démarche critique et citoyenne, l’Association Hicter est un organisme d’éducation permanente reconnu par la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.