LEAD is a European project intended for cultural professionals working in the cross-border regions of Nord-Pas de Calais, West Flanders, Kent and the Province of Hainaut. The main objective of Lead-network is to give networking tools and to organize actions aimed at reinforcing cultural workers’ approach of cross-border co-operation practices.
Lead-network favors innovative and interdisciplinary partnerships through various actions of information, training (Master Classes and public awareness), virtual and “face to face” meetings.
In this framework an important work of action research follows the ongoing processes. Two studies on “the cross-border cultural development” in the Province of Hainaut and the Nord-Pas de Calais region drew up an analyse of the dynamics active in this area. The last study focuses on public-private partnerships useful to foster cultural development of the euroregion. The Lead-network partners want cultural operators to participate to the definition and development of cultural policies at the euroregional level and to facilitate international contacts.
Initiated in 1999, Lead-network is supported by the structural funds of the European Union through the INTERREG IIIA program.